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  • Writer's pictureDr Rachel Hall

Is Amalgam Removal Difficult?

Is amalgam removal difficult? Holistic Dentistry Brisbane

Is amalgam removal difficult? No.

Is amalgam removal important if you care about your health? I think so.

Ok if you are anxious or phobic about coming to the dentist then, yes you are likely to find all dental treatments difficult because of your anxieties. But when it comes to amalgam removal it is essentially no more difficult than getting a filling.

Yes there is additional equipment involved for your safety to limit mercury exposure but the actual amalgam removal process itself is quite simple.

The process of amalgam removal to replace mercury dental fillings itself is quite straightforward as like in any other dental procedure we numb your mouth, drill out the old filling and any decay and then put a new filling in.

The difference with a holistic dentist is that we also use very strict safety protocols to ensure we minimise your and our exposure to the mercury vapour that is released at the time.

These protocols are known as SMART – safe mercury amalgam removal technique.

Safe mercury amalgam removal technique

Safe mercury amalgam removal technique and amalgam removal is not difficult, it’s more that it is slightly different to what you experience at a traditional dentist due to the fact that we take the extra precautions to safeguard you and the dental team from mercury exposure.

Essentially what is involved in the use of a barrier sheet over your mouth to prevent the ingestion, swallowing and inhalation of amalgam fragments, amalgam dust and mercury vapour.

The barrier sheet or rubber dam covers your mouth but not your nose and you can easily breathe and swallow normally during the process.

We also use a ducting/vacuuming filter to draw away the mercury vapour to ensure no one in the treatment room is inhaling this potential highly toxic substance.

Amalgam removal is only ever carried out after extensive consultation and dental examination involving a full mouth check-up, dental x-rays where indicated, assessment of your dental health, your overall health and health history.

It is important that anyone undergoing dental amalgam removal supports themselves with a nutrient dense diet and specific supplements before, during and for a period after their amalgams have been replaced.

This is essential to assist the body to cope with the mercury detoxification process and maximise the benefits of treatment.

For many patients, we liaise with your health care practitioner so as to best to support you through the process.

We can also recommend highly qualified practitioners to assist your mercury detoxification and chelation (heavy metal removal).

Is amalgam removal difficult? No.

Is amalgam removal important if you care about your health? I think so.

Book in for an amalgam removal consultation today via the contact us form or give us a call 07 3720 1811.


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